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Friday, 15 February 2013

Cracking Anagrams - ANSWERS REVEALED

What's an Anagram?

An anagram is a type of word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase.

For example;

William Shakespeare = I am a weakish speller!!

Very humorous considering he is probably the most famous writer of all time!

We love solving Anagrams!

Look at the list below. Can you guess any? Please feel free to comment and leave your answers...

The answers...

  • Debit card = BAD CREDIT
  • Eleven plus two = TWELVE PLUS ONE
  • Hot water = WORTH TEA
  • Vacation time = I AM NOT ACTIVE
  • Conversation = VOICES RANT ON
  • The eyes = THEY SEE
  • Schoolmaster = THE CLASSROOM
  • The country side = NO CITY DUST HERE
  • The Detectives = DETECT THIEVES
  • Mummy = MY MUM
  • Dormitory = DIRTY ROOM
  • A decimal point = I'M A DOT IN PLACE
  • Clint Eastwood = OLD WEST ACTION
  • Astronomers = NO MORE STARS
We hope you enjoyed the challenge of trying to solve these. My particular favourite is Vacation Time = I'm not active!!! haha :-)
Look out for our next challenge which will be posted on Friday!


  1. Tricky....

    Mummy = My mum

    Schoolmaster = The classroom

    A good list, its quite hard. I'm tempted to look them up in google.

  2. No cheating on google! ;)
    The answers will be revealed on Wednesday!

  3. The eyes =sight
    The eyes are as eloquent as the tongue!


Please feel free to leave a comment for me. I enjoy reading them and will reply back to you :)